Darts Club Chest information

Darts club chest hero
Arena 1
Total cards: 180
(rare: 39 with 60% chance for 40, epic: 6 with 60% chance for 7)

Arena 2

Total cards: 243
(rare: 53 with 46% chance for 54, epic: 8 with 91% chance for 9)

Arena 3

Total cards: 306
(rare: 67 with 32% chance for 68, epic: 11 with 22% chance for 12)

Arena 4

Total cards: 360
(rare: 79 with 20% chance for 80, epic: 13 with 20% chance for 14, legendary: 0 with 15% chance for 1)

Arena 5

Total cards: 414
(rare: 91 with 8% chance for 92, epic: 15 with 18% chance for 16, legendary: 0 with 30% chance for 1)

Arena 6

Total cards: 468
(rare: 102 with 96% chance for 103, epic: 17 with 16% chance for 18, legendary: 0 with 52% chance for 1)

Arena 7

Total cards: 522
(rare: 114 with 84% chance for 115, epic: 19 with 14% chance for 20, legendary: 0 with 65% chance for 1)

Arena 8

Total cards: 576
(rare: 126 with 72% chance for 127, epic: 21 with 12% chance for 22, legendary: 0 with 80% chance for 1)

Arena 9

Total cards: 630
(rare: 138 with 60% chance for 139, epic: 23 with 10% chance for 24, legendary: 0 with 90% chance for 1)

Arena 10
Total cards: 684
(rare: 150 with 48% chance for 151, epic: 25 with 8% chance for 26, legendary: 1 with 14% chance for 2)

Darts club chest champion
Arena 1
Total cards: 30
(rare: 6 with 60% chance for 7, epic: 1 with 10% chance for 2)

Arena 2
Total cards: 41
(rare: 9 with 2% chance for 10, epic: 1 with 50% chance for 2)

Arena 3
Total cards: 51
(rare: 11 with 22% chance for 12, epic: 1 with 87% chance for 2)

Arena 4
Total cards: 60
(rare: 13 with 20% chance for 14, epic: 2 with 20% chance for 3, legendary: 0 with 2% chance for 1)

Arena 5
Total cards: 69
(rare: 15 with 18% chance for 16, epic: 2 with 53% chance for 3, legendary: 0 with 5% chance for 1)

Arena 6
Total cards: 78
(rare: 17 with 16% chance for 18, epic: 2 with 86% chance for 3, legendary: 0 with 8% chance for 1)

Arena 7
Total cards: 87
(rare: 19 with 14% chance for 20, epic: 3 with 19% chance for 4, legendary: 0 with 11% chance for 1)

Arena 8
Total cards: 96
(rare: 21 with 12% chance for 22, epic: 3 with 52% chance for 4, legendary: 0 with 13% chance for 1)

Arena 9
Total cards: 105
(rare: 23 with 10% chance for 24, epic: 3 with 85% chance for 4, legendary: 0 with 15% chance for 1)

Arena 10
Total cards: 114
(rare: 25 with 8% chance for 26, epic: 4 with 18% chance for 5, legendary: 0 with 19% chance for 1)

Darts club chest giant
Arena 1
Total cards: 70
(rare: 15 with 40% chance for 16, epic: 0 with 15% chance for 1)

Arena 2
Total cards: 95
(rare: 20 with 90% chance for 21, epic: 0 with 21% chance for 1)

Arena 3
Total cards: 119
(rare: 26 with 18% chance for 27, epic: 0 with 26% chance for 1)

Arena 4
Total cards: 140
(rare: 30 with 80% chance for 31, epic: 0 with 31% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,3% chance for 1)

Arena 5
Total cards: 161
(rare: 35 with 42% chance for 36, epic: 0 with 35% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,6% chance for 1)

Arena 6
Total cards: 182
(rare: 40 with 4% chance for 41, epic: 0 with 40% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 1% chance for 1)

Arena 7
Total cards: 203
(rare: 44 with 66% chance for 45, epic: 0 with 45% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 2% chance for 1)

Arena 8
Total cards: 224
(rare: 49 with 28% chance for 50, epic: 0 with 49% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 2% chance for 1)

Arena 9
Total cards: 245
(rare: 53 with 90% chance for 54, epic: 0 with 53% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 2% chance for 1)

Arena 10
Total cards: 266
(rare: 58 with 52% chance for 59, epic: 0 with 58% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 3% chance for 1)

Darts club chest victory
Arena 1
Total cards: 20
(rare: 2 with 20% chance for 3, epic: 0 with 11% chance for 1)

Arena 2
Total cards: 27
(rare: 2 with 97% chance for 3, epic: 0 with 15% chance for 1)

Arena 3
Total cards: 34
(rare: 3 with 74% chance for 4, epic: 0 with 19% chance for 1)

Arena 4
Total cards: 40
(rare: 4 with 40% chance for 5, epic: 0 with 22% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,2% chance for 1)

Arena 5
Total cards: 46
(rare: 5 with 6% chance for 6, epic: 0 with 25% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,5% chance for 1)

Arena 6
Total cards: 52
(rare: 5 with 72% chance for 6, epic: 0 with 29% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 1% chance for 1)

Arena 7
Total cards: 58
(rare: 6 with 38% chance for 7, epic: 0 with 32% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 1% chance for 1)

Arena 8
Total cards: 64
(rare: 7 with 4% chance for 8, epic: 0 with 35% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 1% chance for 1)

Arena 9
Total cards: 70
(rare: 7 with 70% chance for 8, epic: 0 with 38% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 2% chance for 1)

Arena 10
Total cards: 76
(rare: 8 with 36% chance for 7, epic: 0 with 41% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 2% chance for 1)

Darts club chest gold
Arena 1
Total cards: 10
(rare: 1 with 10% chance for 2, epic: 0 with 4% chance for 1)

Arena 2
Total cards: 14
(rare: 1 with 54% chance for 2, epic: 0 with 5% chance for 1)

Arena 3
Total cards: 17
(rare: 1 with 87% chance for 2, epic: 0 with 7% chance for 1)

Arena 4
Total cards: 20
(rare: 2 with 20% chance for 3, epic: 0 with 8% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,1% chance for 1)

Arena 5
Total cards: 23
(rare: 2 with 53% chance for 3, epic: 0 with 9% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,2% chance for 1)

Arena 6
Total cards: 26
(rare: 2 with 86% chance for 3, epic: 0 with 10% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,2% chance for 1)

Arena 7
Total cards: 29
(rare: 3 with 19% chance for 4, epic: 0 with 11% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,3% chance for 1)

Arena 8
Total cards: 32
(rare: 3 with 52% chance for 4, epic: 0 with 12% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,4% chance for 1)

Arena 9
Total cards: 35
(rare: 3 with 85% chance for 4, epic: 0 with 14% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,5% chance for 1)

Arena 10
Total cards: 38
(rare: 4 with 18% chance for 5, epic: 0 with 15% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,6% chance for 1)


Darts club chest silver
Arena 1
Total cards: 3
(rare: 0 with 28% chance for 1, epic: 0 with 1% chance for 1)

Arena 2
Total cards: 4
(rare: 0 with 37% chance for 1, epic: 0 with 1% chance for 1)

Arena 3
Total cards: 5
(rare: 0 with 46% chance for 1, epic: 0 with 1% chance for 1)

Arena 4
Total cards: 6
(rare: 0 with 55% chance for 1, epic: 0 with 1% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,01% chance for 1)

Arena 5
Total cards: 7
(rare: 0 with 64% chance for 1, epic: 0 with 2% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,03% chance for 1)

Arena 6
Total cards: 8
(rare: 0 with 73% chance for 1, epic: 0 with 2% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,05% chance for 1)

Arena 7
Total cards: 9
(rare: 0 with 83% chance for 1, epic: 0 with 2% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,06% chance for 1)

Arena 8
Total cards: 10
(rare: 0 with 92% chance for 1, epic: 0 with 2% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,08% chance for 1)

Arena 9
Total cards: 11
(rare: 1 with 1% chance for 2, epic: 0 with 2% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,09% chance for 1)

Arena 10
Total cards: 12
(rare: 1 with 10% chance for 2, epic: 0 with 3% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,1% chance for 1)

Darts club chest free
Arena 1
Total cards: 3
(rare: 0 with 33% chance for 1, epic: 0 with 2% chance for 1)

Arena 2
Total cards: 4
(rare: 0 with 44% chance for 1, epic: 0 with 2% chance for 1)

Arena 3
Total cards: 5
(rare: 0 with 55% chance for 1, epic: 0 with 3% chance for 1)

Arena 4
Total cards: 6
(rare: 0 with 66% chance for 1, epic: 0 with 3% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,1% chance for 1)

Arena 5
Total cards: 7
(rare: 0 with 77% chance for 1, epic: 0 with 4% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,1% chance for 1)

Arena 6
Total cards: 8
(rare: 0 with 88% chance for 1, epic: 0 with 4% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,2% chance for 1)

Arena 7
Total cards: 9
(rare: 0 with 99% chance for 1, epic: 0 with 5% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,2% chance for 1)

Arena 8
Total cards: 10
(rare: 1 with 10% chance for 2, epic: 0 with 6% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,2% chance for 1)

Arena 9
Total cards: 11
(rare: 1 with 21% chance for 2, epic: 0 with 6% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,3% chance for 1)

Arena 10
Total cards: 12
(rare: 1 with 32% chance for 2, epic: 0 with 7% chance for 1, legendary: 0 with 0,3% chance for 1)

Darts club chest seasonal
Bronze Season
Total cards: 101
(rare: 55 with 50% chance for 56, epic: 10 with 10% chance for 11, legendary: 0 with 32% chance for 1)

Silver Season
Total cards: 151
(rare: 75 with 50% chance for 76, epic: 15 with 10% chance for 16, legendary: 0 with 47% chance for 1)

Gold Season
Total cards: 201
(rare: 100 with 50% chance for 101, epic: 20 with 10% chance for 21, legendary: 0 with 63% chance for 1)

Ruby Season
Total cards: 251
(rare: 125 with 50% chance for 126, epic: 25 with 10% chance for 26, legendary: 1 with 0% chance for 2)

Sapphire Season
Total cards: 301
(rare: 150 with 50% chance for 151, epic: 30 with 10% chance for 31, legendary: 1 with 0% chance for 2)

Topaz Season
Total cards: 351
(rare: 175 with 50% chance for 176, epic: 35 with 10% chance for 36, legendary: 1 with 9% chance for 2)

Amethyst Season
Total cards: 401
(rare: 200 with 50% chance for 201, epic: 40 with 10% chance for 41, legendary: 1 with 25% chance for 2

Emerald Season
Total cards: 451
(rare: 225 with 50% chance for 226, epic: 45 with 10% chance for 46, legendary: 1 with 41% chance for 2)

Diamond Season
Total cards: 501
(rare: 250 with 50% chance for 251, epic: 50 with 10% chance for 51, legendary: 1 with 57% chance for 2)

Darts club chest legendary
Arena 4 – 10
Total cards: 1
(legendary: 1)

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