Senior Economy Designer

We look forward to having you join our team! Take a look at our job offer and see if you're ready to apply! Don't hesitate to leave a contact, even if you are not 100% sure so we can contact you in the future.

Hybrid/Remote Working

our requirements

  • At least two years of experience in a similar position, preferably in Idle/RPG titles

  • Degree in game design, economics, business, or a related field is preferred (not mandatory)

  • Demonstrates a high degree of independence in performing tasks

  • Communicates complex ideas and information effectively to Product Owners and External Partners

  • Actively collaborates within the team, fostering a positive work environment

  • Exhibits creative problem-solving skills

  • Demonstrates resilience to changes in the project scope and work environment

  • Thorough understanding of player behavior, UI/UX best practices, and game economy metrics

  • Advanced English language skills (spoken and written)

  • Basic knowledge of statistics and probability

  • Proficiency in Excel/Google Sheets and analytical tools for data analysis and decision-making

  • Deep understanding of player progression and consequences of economy changes

your responsibilities

  • Create effective game economy elements, including in-game currency, pricing, and game systems

  • Collaborate with team members to develop, refine, and implement game economy design elements

  • Conduct thorough economy design reviews and adjust designs based on feedback

  • Prepare comprehensive economy design documentation to effectively communicate complex ideas

  • Analyze game economy metrics in depth to gain insights on player behavior and make data-driven decisions based on KPIs

  • Stay updated with the latest industry trends and apply them into game economy design

  • Design product pricing strategies based on best practices and market analysis

  • Design and implement custom tools to streamline and optimize economy systems

  • Contribute to advanced game monetization strategies

  • Mentor junior team members and assist in their professional development

  • Deliver intermediate-quality work that meets project standards and timelines

  • Adapt swiftly to changes in project requirements or design direction

process recruitment

  • Apply

    You will first need to fill out a short form. Please send along your most recent and updated resume. Let us know about your most important skills that relate to the position for which you are applying.

  • Invitation

    We'll contact you just right after we check if your profile fits to our job offer!

  • Talk with recruiter and Team Manager

    The next step is a talk with a representative of the HR team and a manager of the team that you apply to. This is also the time that you can ask anything you want regarding the company culture, responsibilities, team that you join, or formalities. We also have a couple of questions for you regarding your technical skills, experience or projects.

  • Technical task (optional)

    Depending on the process and needs, occasionally we will ask you to solve a short technical task. This happens mostly in case of the graphic designer process, user acquisition and business intelligence roles. You can ask about your case directly during your first contact with BoomBit HR team.

  • Offer

    When your recruitment process is successfully done, we'll contact you directly with a proposition of the offer. We hope that you will agree to the offer and its terms so that you can join our team as soon as possible!

offer what we

  • Private medical healthcare

  • Work tools

  • Office in Gdańsk

  • Remote work

  • Direct communication

  • Knowledge sharing

  • Fun

  • People

  • International team

  • Nice perks and gadgets

  • Great Place to Work

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